OCDSB School Council Update — 13 June 2014

News About Playground Funding
This week there has been a petition circulating in the community about the need for increased funding for playstructures.  There is some good news on this front.  At the meeting of the Committee of the Whole Budget on 9 June 2014, the Committee approved an amendment to the 2014-2015 staff recommended budget that would increase annual spending on play structure renewal and outdoor learning spaces to $300,000 for the 2014-2015 budget year. This reflects an increase of approximately $250,000 from the current annual allocation of approximately $50,000.  In recent year, the district provided grants of $7,500 per project for play structures.  During discussion of the amendment, committee members expressed support for allowing staff to determine the formula for the new amount of funding that would be allocated for each project.  Staff has advised that they would support an allocation of up to $25,000 per project, with the possibility of increasing the amount to $35,000 for schools with limited ability to raise funds.  The actual amount provided would also depend on the total number of applications received.  After the budget is approved by the Board, staff will provide additional information on the play structure/outdoor learning space funding application process for 2014-2015.

Anti-SPAM Legislation
On July 1, 2014 new “anti-spam” legislation will come into effect in Canada.  The new legislation requires organizations to have consent in place in order to send e-mail communication that involves any commercial activity, whether it is for profit or not.  The legislation will affect school districts as well as schools and school councils.  For example, this newsletter would be affected because the “events” section includes fundraising and other events which involve the purchase or sale of goods. In order to send the newsletter we would need to ensure we have consent for those types of messages from all persons on our mailing list.   Some of you have been asking about the legislation and how it will affect school councils.  We are in the process of sorting out some of the final details and will provide a more fulsome update next week.  In the coming weeks, parents can anticipate a message from the school district that will seek your consent for ongoing communications from the district, your child’s school and your school council. We are working to coordinate that as one consent so that each school and council does not have to work independently.  In the fall, we will be using revised consent forms to ensure we are compliant with the legislation.  Stay tuned for more details.

Graduation Celebrations and Activities
Every year at this time, we address the potential risks associated with end of year graduation related celebrations.  This year, our concerns were raised as a result of the tragic incident at a post prom event last week. In the coming weeks, students, parents and educators will reflect on the importance of responsible citizenship in our celebrations and the role modelling we provide to and expect of our students.  Annually, we work with the Ottawa Police Service to mitigate the risks associated with celebrations such as proms, car rallies and tequila sunrise parties. Unfortunately, these events sometimes involve high risk, inappropriate or illegal activities which can result in vandalism, mischief or damage to property or persons.  Our first priority is the safety of the students and it is important to remind students about the risks associated with these types of events.  There are some excellent resources that we can all benefit from:

The Alcohol Talk (http://www.acceptresponsibility.org/the-alcohol-talk) has excellent resources for talking to kids.
Students Against Destructive Decisions has a site called Planning a Safe Prom (http://www.sadd.org/promplan.htm) which addresses the combined effort of schools, parents, law-enforcement officials, other members of the local community, and, of course, the students. Friends can help keep each other safe by Pledging to make healthy decisions. Support your friends by speaking up when you see them making questionable choices, especially where drugs and alcohol are involved.

Elections for School Council
There have been many questions about school council elections in the last few weeks.  Just a reminder that School Council elections are to be held in the fall. The  policy requires that the election of school council members (including parents, teaching, non-teaching and student members) be held within 30 days of the start of the school year.  The Principal and the School Council Chair should be consulting now on date for the fall election.  The details about the election process are outlined in the  Board Procedure PR.509.SCO: School Council Elections. The election of officers (Chair, Co-chair, Secretary, Treasurer) happens after the members of council have been duly elected.  Don’t forget to review your school council constitution for specific provisions with respect to your school.


Everyday Mathematics: Daily Decisions
We all use mathematics daily in what we do. Involve your child in using numbers to solve problems and make those everyday decisions with you. For example:
“Do we have enough plates and utensils for all the guests coming for the birthday party?”
“We are doubling this recipe. How much of all the ingredients will we need?”
“We are fertilizing the lawn. The fertilizer bag covers three square meters. How many will we need?”
“This store is selling the game you want for 20% off of $27.00. That store is selling the same game for $19.99. Where should we shop?”


Mud Lake Comes Inside – Regina Street Public School – June 25th
The evening of June 25th, local artist and Professor at Carleton University Jesse Stewart and the students of Regina Street Public School will be re-creating Mud Lake in our gym. Parents and guests will be surround by students and the sounds of Mud Lake as Jesse conducts the school. Jesse Stewart and the students of Regina Street P.S. have been working together all year to duplicate many of the sounds that can be heard in Mud Lake, using a variety of instruments, and objects you will frogs, birds, and many of the other sounds associated with Mud Lake. Regina Street P.S. has a very strong connection with Mud Lake. Feel free to join in celebrating our students and the environment.


Interested In Summer School?
The OCDSB run an incredible summer school program which includes reach ahead, make up, coop and e-learning programs for Secondary Students.  We also offer programming for students in grades 7 and 8 in language arts, mathematics, English as a Second Language, Reach Ahead and Get Ready for Grade 9 Math courses. Take a look at our summer school video!


Information about Programs for Grade 7 and 8 Students:


Summer School Dates are July 3 – 25, 2014 and registration began on May 1st.

2014-2015 School Year Calendar
Many parents are already planning for next year.  The 2014-2015 school year calendar is now available! Both elementary and secondary classes start on September 2, 2014. Elementary classes end on June 25, 2015.

Elementary Calendar:  http://www.ocdsb.ca/calendar/Documents/SYC_Elementary_halfpg.pdf

For Grade 8 Students moving up to Grade 9:  CHANGE in Eligibility for High School Students Grades 9-12 
Great news – the transportation eligibility requirements for students in grades 9-12 have changed for September 2014. All students meeting who reside 3.2km or further from their designated school, regardless of the Urban Transit Area or financial need, are eligible to receive transportation services. Congregated stops will continue for rural students to special program schools. Please refer to the Transportation Eligibility Policy T14 posted online. OSTA will select the most appropriate mode of transportation which may include yellow bus, public transit or small school purpose vehicle. Parents and students may access information about how grade 9-12 students will be getting to school in September using the online “Stop Locator” or by calling OSTA after Mid-August. Walk zone maps are also available on OSTA’s website under the School Bus Routes tab.  More details to come!

School Bus Safety
The 22nd Annual School Bus Safety Awareness Day will be held this year on Sunday, August 24, 2014. The day is designed to help first-time school bus riders see first-hand how easy and fun it is to ride the bus. The program is geared primarily for parents and children new to school bus transportation. All children entering the school system for the first time in the fall, or new residents to the should plan on attending. The program will be offered from 9:00 a.m. – to 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 24, 2014 for sites in your area please check out OSTA’s website at http://www.ottawaschoolbus.ca


Longest Day of Play
The Education Foundation of Ottawa, the Ottawa Senators Foundation (@sensfoundation) and the Ottawa Carleton District School Board are proud partners in the Longest Day of Play campaign. For 24 consecutive days beginning on May 28, and ending on the “Longest Day of Play”, June 20, students in participating schools will walk, run, jump or simply move for 60 minutes a day. At the end of the 24 days, the students will have completed a cumulative 24 hours of exercise. This achievement will be celebrated across the District with a symbolic “Longest Day of Play”.  Watch the video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1FjhqlLQQg&list=UUGjwLuHVcfB0QrAL9RgbMrw

Summer Weather
Just a reminder from our procedure for extreme weather conditions – in warm weather ensure children wear sunscreen, light weight and light coloured clothing and hats, visors and sunglasses and encourage them to keep hydrated.  If students feel unwell when they are outside at school they should seek out a teacher or a trusted adult to help.


Extra Curricular Creative Arts (ECCA) Program
Continuing Education’s ECCA Program offers arts instruction courses in various OCDSB elementary schools for students in Grades 1-8.  Classes are held during the school year, at convenient times, outside of school hours.
Fall 2014 Registration: September 2-16, 2014
Tel: 613-239-2747 for information
Tel: 613-239-2398 to register
Visit: 440 Albert Street, Room E123A

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