You are invited to Alta Vista Public School’s Welcome Back BBQ!
Thursday, September 24th
4:00 – 6:30 pm.
Primary Play Yard
Rain or Shine!
BBQ: 5:00-6:30 pm.
Enjoy BBQ hot dogs, sausages and drinks for sale. Please remember to bring a lawn chair or blanket and correct change for buying food and drinks.
Potluck: In the spirit of sharing…please bring either a salad or dessert to complement the hotdogs and sausages. We ask that you bring enough to share with six people. A central table will be set up to place your contribution and your containers will be available for pick up in the kitchen afterwards.
Classroom Tour and Council Annual General Meeting and Elections:
You are invited to see your child’s classroom with your own child acting as your guide from 4:00pm – 5:00pm, and at 6:30pm we will be hosting the School Council AGM and elections in the Main Gym (Gym#2) on School Council. This is a great opportunity
to hear from the Principal and vote for your 2015-16 School Council. All parents are
invited to be Parent members and submit their names for election to one of the four executive positions- Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer.
Please note: there is no official supervision of your children after school
hours. Please ensure children are supervised as needed.
Food and Volunteer FORM: (Only one form per family required thank you!) Please complete and return the form below to the office by Thursday, September 17th.