

Alta Vista School Council would like to THANK EVERYONE for making this year’s Spring Fair such a success! 

Thank you for the countless donations, from small toys for games area to large items for the silent auction and everything in between.  

Thank you to the hundreds of people who came and enjoyed themselves at the fair

Thank you to all the students and staff , who keep the spirit going.

Thank you to the 75+ volunteers who assisted us over Friday and Saturday. Plus the team who create the beautiful class baskets.

Thank you to one amazing mother nature, for providing such a perfect day.

This event is special, not only because it is our largest fundraiser of the year, but it also gives us an opportunity to come together as a community to have fun for a great cause….the photos say it al!!   

Thanks to all of the above,

we raised over $10 000!  

These funds will be used to support learning and well being at AVPS, things like: 

supporting school clubs and student participation at offsite events.

such as sporting and math competitions and fields trips

purchasing sports equipment and learning tools and books for classrooms.

providing opportunities for students to experience dance, sport and mindfulness programs, community speakers and student performances.



Each year we strive to make this an event to remember.  We would like to make it even better!  Please take a few moments to complete our Spring Fair Survey and help us plan for next year.   

Spring Fair Survey

Thank you,
Spring Fair Planning Committee
Leanna Belluz
Nancy Dean
Susan Lambert
Kathy Wrye
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