Don’t forget to bring your own dishes and or donations to our Dish Lending lit

1. POTLUCK ITEM – salad or dessert item enough for 6 people.  Nut free please.   Please label any dishes you would like returned. At the end of the potluck they will be left in the staff room , washed and all ready for you to take home.  Thank you for contribution!
2. $ for the BBQ items – We will have a ticket area where you can purchase tickets for your BBQ items (Hamburger or hotdog) and drinks (juice or Pop)
3. ECO-FRIENDLY – We are happy to announce that AVPS is working towards a more eco-friendly environment and events which includes eliminating single use plastics and waste! 
Please bring your own CUTLERY/DISH/MUG/CUPS – we will have a RINSING STATION available for you. While we transition into our Dish Lending for events, we will have paper plates available.  There will be no plastic water bottles for sale. Instead, we will have a FREE water station for you and water fountains are in the school.
***PLUS we are starting to build our very own AVPS Dish Lending Kit to use at our events.  If you have extra dishwasher safe, non glass PLATES, CUPS or CUTLERY to give, bring them with you and donate them to our kit. We will also be arranging for a drop off box in the future. Thank you for helping reduce waste in our landfills! ***
4. Dress for the weather!  It’s looking like a nice week, while we will have some seating, you are welcome to bring blankets and chairs to the BBQ as well.
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