Spring Fair 2014 — We Need Your Help!

The AVPS Spring Fair planning and preparation is well underway as we quickly move toward the BIG DAY (Saturday, May 3rd!)

As you’ve seen in our flyers, this event is completely run by volunteers and WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you can spare some time, items or baking and would like to be part of making this Spring Fair a success, please let us know by sending in your Volunteer/Donation sheet from your flyer. There are many things you can donate from now, right up until the fair, but for planning purposes we would love to know if you can volunteer at the fair, or provide a silent auction item or baking for some of our popular events. You may have noted the return date on the flyer is Friday, Apr. 4th. That’s today! But if Apr. 4th has snuck up on you, that’s okay! You can still let us know by sending in your form (extras available on our website: www.altavistacouncil.com under the Spring Fair tab) or by contacting Petra at 613.523-9198 or petra.alince@gmail.com.

Thank you for your support!

*Don’t forget to check out our ‘Spring Fair 2014’ tab above for lots of Fair info!

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