Nov. 22nd: Test results and Council request for information

Friday Nov. 22nd  UPDATE on repairs and Testing

OCDSB sent Update: AVPS testing and repairs

COUNCIL Response 1 of 2 re: tests 

Dear Mr. Carson,

We have reviewed the test results and also went in to visit the school and talk to Guido and Richie.

We are concerned about what still needs to be done before the decision to re-open the school is made.

  1. Re: leak and possible other leaks in the system
    1. The heating system has been turned off and scheduled to be turned on tomorrow.  We recommend that consideration be given to pressure tests be completed on the heating system within small sections first, to larger and eventually the whole school to confirm that there are no more leaks or where other leaks are.
    2. Also to testing of legionnaires
  1. Air qualityTesting
    1. We understand another spore test was carried out today
    2. We see nothing related indoor air testing or testing of asbestos in the air.  Also consider testing the air outside the building too.

We have more questions and input but  wanted to get this to you ASAP as we know that tomorrow you will be turning heating system back on.

Thanks for this and will provide more input tomorrow

Nancy and Janice

OCDSB :Superintendent Mike Carson:

Thanks for your response. There’ll be a more formal communication later today but I can provide some comments now.

You are correct that we retested areas based on the the higher levels of spores noted in some areas. Those new tests have come back at more normal levels. We expect that report will be available to us later today.

The boilers are being pressurized and no leaks observed..

Asbestos testing is carried out as remediation of the areas carried out and before general access is allowed back to the restricted areas.

I’m not the expert and I’ll double check in your comment about legionnaires, but it is my understanding that the risk of that bacteria is related to closed systems with chiller units. That’s not the case at Alta Vista.

Thanks again for your questions and we will likely have more to say depending on today’s progress



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