Council Review of Test results and Concerns for re-opening school

COUNCIL 2 of 2 of response to Wednesday test results

Nov. 23 10:35 am

Good morning Mr Carson,

Thank you for your response. We have forwarded it to the parent group which is working to put together our questions/concerns. While we will have further questions, I am forwarding (below) this information to you as we would like responses to these questions/concerns at this time.

Thank you for your continued communications to help inform the parents of our community.

Janice Chamberlain & Nancy Solange-Dean

Please advise Council of the heating system pressure testing program that will be undertaken over this weekend and the Code that it will follow for review prior to stating or reopening the school.

Please confirm asap that air and mould testing will continue when reopening the school for a certain timeframe.

Please advise prior to reopening the school of further results of air testing after taking down barriers and of legionnaires testing in the heating water for review prior to reopening the school.

Please confirm the school is safe to reopen and why.

The report says the area was “sealed off Monday morning”. We would like to know the exact time each room was sealed off Monday. We know that the intermediate kids were in the music room during last block Monday because they were the ones who emptied it. What time was the bathroom sealed off?

We are referred to “mold in the workplace” but we aren’t just talking about a workplace, we are talking about an area that was directly occupied by 5&6yr olds over an extended period. Has the board accessed information on the health impact of kids this age?

The report states that there were 2 out of 3 high tests results that came back were in the sealed area but that area was only tested once.

The teacher workspace which adjoins the staffroom to the music hall is now closed off but wasn’t sealed last week. That space did not get tested nor did the hallway directly outside of the music room or the classroom right next to the music room. -why not? There were also no air scrubbers in the classroom that abuts the music room yesterday afternoon. There was one in the hallway but all classroom doors were closed.

One recommendation from Public Health is that things like blinds be washed down. What is being washed down and what rooms are covered in the wash down area? Would like to see the report of recommendations from Ottawa Public Health

We were told Public Health said the board shouldn’t have even done testing…is that because they were told the main area of concern was sealed off immediately Monday morning?! – again…it wasn’t! I would like to ask that Public Health be at the Wednesday night meeting

Can someone who knows more than I do please let me know what items tested are of significant concern to health? Ie: I don’t know what asbestos is on this lab report, same goes for toxic black mold – and don’t want to spend my day looking all of these up.

Where did they capture samples for the second air quality test?

Are they also running the air quality tests that take longer for results? What are the benefits/limits of the two kinds of testing?

Why hasn’t he board reached out to parents to learn about/collect information on the health impact of this environmental event?

What are the spore thresholds that are considered safe for the average population for the spores that were collected?

I understand that once sealed off, any asbestos would be contained. Here is my understanding of events and concern….the steam pipe broke over the weekend, the boiling steam traveled through the trench under the floor as far as the girls bathroom where there was significant dampness and high heat resulted. This bathroom has no door/the door is often propped open – I think?! My understanding is that the ceiling tiles are an asbestos concern due to the glue that binds them. So presumably over the weekend there was a water/damage/dripping/evaporation cycle. Would this be enough to cause asbestos to become airborne? I’m thinking location of that bathroom & the change of air pressure and air flow in the building caused by the courtyard doors opening and kids rushing in Monday morning would cause a significant disturbance to the air in that location potentially moving particles out of the areas that were later sealed off.

Did any Ceiling tiles break of fall prior to the rooms

OCDSB Alta Vista PS repairs -Update 2019.11.23

Nov. 23rd 3:17 pm

Update today

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