Dear AVPS community,
Welcome back! We hope the school year has started well for you and your student(s).
The first School Council meeting of the 2021-2022 school year will be Wednesday, September 22, at 7 pm. During that meeting, we will also host School Council’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The main goal of the AGM is to elect voting members and executive positions. Any parent/guardian of the AVPS community (in-person or virtual) is welcome to join School Council.
If you are interested in serving as a voting member, please complete this self-nomination form before September 22.
The executive is made up of four positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary (please see Job Descriptions below). The Chair and Vice-Chair may also partner as Co-Chairs. At the moment, we are looking for parents/guardians to serve as Chair and Vice-Chair or Co-Chairs. If serving on the executive is of interest, please indicate your intention on the self-nomination form. Kathleen Wrye has confirmed her intention to continue serving as Treasurer, and Laurie Mackenzie has confirmed her intention to continue in the role of Secretary.
With our thanks, and best wishes,
Shelly and Janice
Outgoing Chair and Vice-Chair
Job Descriptions
The Chair shall: call council meetings; prepare the agenda for council meetings; chair council meetings; work collaboratively with council members to assign and delegate the roles and responsibilities of the school council as outlined herein; and act as a signing officer for council.
The Vice-Chair shall: perform the duties of the chair in the absence or disability of the chair; and act as a signing officer for the council.
The Treasurer shall: take charge of any finances of the council, ensure the safe keeping of the council finances as in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Board, and provide an accounting thereof as may be required from time to time; provide an annual financial report to the council and the membership at large; ensure there is an annual audit performed by a member of the school community on the financial report; perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the chair from time to time; and act as signing officer for the council.
The Secretary shall: ensure that adequate notice of meetings, the agenda*, and previous minutes are circulated to all members in a timely manner (*as the agenda is prepared by the chair, it may be circulated by the chair); maintain a full and accurate account of all council meetings, and ensure that the minutes are signed by the chair following their adoption by the council; prepare correspondence as required; and ensure that a copy of all minutes for the current school year are maintained at the school in a location accessible to any member of the school community.