Alta Vista PS Repairs – OCDSB Update 2019.11.23.

November 23, 2019

Dear Alta Vista Families:

I wanted to share an update on the work underway at the school and respond to some of the questions that have come up.

Status of Repairs

The areas of the building which require remediation were sealed off with plastic on Monday around mid-day.  The work areas are all inside the isolated rooms.  Each area is sealed and under negative air pressure while work is being completed.

The break in the steam pipe has been repaired and the boilers are now being re-pressurized. The repair work appears to have corrected the problem as no new leaks were observed as the system regained operating pressure last night (Friday November 22nd).  Later today, repairs will begin to the floor area which was excavated to access the broken pipe. In addition, work is underway to replace affected drywall, and ceiling tiles.  The replacement of drywall and ceiling tiles will continue in the isolated areas area after the school re-opens.  While work continues in the isolated areas, the custodial staff have been mopping and dusting walls, floors and desks throughout the rest of the building

Follow up on Mould Testing

Additional testing for mould was done on Thursday and the consultant has provided some more information which is attached. The consultant’s report indicates that test readings have dropped significantly.  Some parents have asked questions about how to read the mould test results and what the established acceptable limits are.  I have been advised that acceptable levels in mould testing results are based on comparative analysis (with outdoor air, or with indoor areas that are considered to be clean); there is no formally established acceptable limit.  The consultant has reported that after a second round of testing the results appear acceptable.   There have also been questions about why every room was not tested; mould testing is done as a sampling.  The OCDSB retains independent third party professionals to advise on sampling, testing and results.    Since the source of moisture has been corrected and cleaning has been continuous over the last several days, the possibility for continued mold growth and propagation throughout the building has been significantly reduced and therefore additional testing is not recommended.

Approximately 10 air scrubbers as well as dehumidifiers have been in the school over the past week.  Air scrubbers are provided to eliminate any unwanted particulates and moisture from the air. The scrubbers have been moved to different locations over the course of the week.  The air scrubbers will remain in place until Monday.  We will review the requirement to keep them at the end of the day on Monday.

Visit by Ottawa Public Health

On Friday, Ottawa Public Health visited the school.  They did not issue a report or make any recommendations, but did provide the following statement to be shared with the community:

Ottawa Public Health (OPH)  has visited the school and reviewed the clean-up and remediation plan being implemented by the OCDSB at Alta Vista Public School following a heating system steam leak.  OPH is satisfied with the response to this incident.  The impacted area has been closed off from the remaining school and daycare areas, and will remain so until the issues with asbestos and moisture have been addressed. This area is being kept under negative air pressure to ensure no contaminants impact other areas of the school.  

 OPH also noted that when there is exposure to mouldy environments there may be health effects, or none at all, and that persons concerned about any new or worsening symptoms should see a health professional so that all potential causes (including viral, bacterial, allergic, other) can be considered.

Renovation Work when there is Asbestos

Asbestos is present in a number of building products.   When left intact and undisturbed, asbestos containing materials do not pose a health risk. Asbestos containing material is not generally considered to be harmful unless it is releasing dust or fibers into the air where they can be inhaled or ingested.  Asbestos flooring, countertops, joint compound and ceiling tiles that are undamaged and in good condition are not. Asbestos-containing ceiling tiles, floor tiles, undamaged laboratory cabinet tops, shingles, fire doors, siding shingles, etc. will not release asbestos fibers unless they are disturbed or damaged in some way or have deteriorated significantly.

The risk of exposure to asbestos comes in the repair, removal and replacement of asbestos containing materials. When asbestos abatement work needs to be conducted, the OCDSB follows the legislated guidelines. The first steps in that process include sectioning off any areas of concern and posting notice that asbestos abatement work will be necessary.  The attached asbestos information sheet provides information about practices at the OCDSB.  Some parents have inquired as to why this information is presented in the context of Occupational Health and Safety. The reason for this is that the legislative requirements for asbestos and air quality in Ontario buildings and building remediation work are established as part of the Occupational Health and Safety legislation.

Decision Points on Reopening

In terms of re-opening, the following considerations will be made:

  • Have the repairs to the broken pipe been completed?
  • Is the steam plant fully operational?
  • Is the humidity level consistent with regular operations?
  • Do mould testing results show acceptable levels in the school?
  • Is the remaining repair work in an area that is appropriately sectioned off and subject to negative air pressure?
  • Will air scrubbers be required onsite?
  • Is there a need for ongoing testing?

We will communicate with families by 7 pm tomorrow.  Thank you for your ongoing support as we work through these issues.

Guido Ronci


Mould Sampling Report – Alta VistaR.pdf

OCDSB Asbestos Fact Sheet Public (1).pdf

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