Staff Appreciation Potluck Lunch – June 26

As we approach the end of another exciting and fun-filled year, the Alta Vista School Council would like to show our appreciation for the wonderful work by all the staff at Alta Vista Public School by holding a Staff Appreciation Potluck Lunch.

This annual tradition helps in renewing and enhancing our relationships with all the teachers, ECEs, administrators and custodians who each play an important role in creating a safe, supportive and fun learning environment for our kids.

The potluck will take place on Wednesday, June 26 and we are looking for donations of food from our school community for our staff to enjoy. Donations can be brought to the school between 8:30 am and 10 am on Wednesday, June 26 (any containers/utensils can be picked up after 3:30 pm the same day).

Some IDEAS of what you can contribute:

  • Quiche
  • Couscous Salad
  • Scones
  • Rice dishes
  • Cheeses with Crackers or gluten free option
  • Samosas
  • Sandwiches
  • Drinks

Please review the available slots here and click on the button to sign up, and help us to show the staff how much we appreciate them!


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