Welcome Back BBQ – Wednesday, September 18

You are invited to attend Alta Vista Public School’s 2024 Welcome Back BBQ, on Wednesday, September 18, from 4:30 – 6:30 pm, in the primary yard. Please join us rain or shine!

Meet the Teacher – 4:30 – 5:30 pm

A great chance to see your child’s classroom and meet teachers, staff and other families.  Teachers will be sending home more information for each individual class.

BBQ & Potluck – 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Please bring a salad or dessert to share for the potluck table; containers and serving utensils should be labeled and can be picked up after the event.

Enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks for sale. Halal options will be available for both hamburgers and hotdogs. A limited number of gluten free buns will also be available.

This is a cash only event. Tickets for can be purchased for food and drinks as per the prices below. Tables and seating will be available, but you are also welcome to bring your own lawn chairs or blankets.

Paper plates and napkins will be available, but to help reduce waste, we encourage you to bring your own water bottle and plate from home. Water bottles may be filled in the school.

Food and Drink Price List:

Hamburgers (beef or veggie) $4.00
Hot dogs: $2.00
Drinks (juice boxes, soda, iced tea, sparkling water) $1.00


It’s your assistance that makes these events possible, and we appreciate it! It is also a great way for high school students to get volunteer hours!

Please sign up here to volunteer to help make the BBQ a success. We are looking for volunteers to help set-up, sell tickets, cook hamburgers and hotdogs, serve food and drinks, and clean-up.

Please note that there is no official supervision of your children after school hours. Please ensure children are supervised as needed.

We look forward to seeing you at the BBQ!

Alta Vista School Council and Staff


Please contact sc-altavistaps@ocdsb.ca.

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