School Council Meeting – Agenda and documents

Alta Vista School Council  Meeting Wed. Nov.20th


  1. Welcome and introductions  
  2. Repairs Update: Superintendant Lehman for Superintendent Baker
  3. Approval of agenda and last meeting minutes Nancy Dean 
  4. Administrative Report (Guido Ronci)
      1. Staffing,
      2. Financial Reports
        1. Operating Parent Budget 2020-01 to 2020-03
        2. Other Grants (Public) 2020-01 to 2020.03
        3. SGF Trial Balance 2019-09-03 to 2019-11-12
      3. Field and Overnight trip plan updates
      4. School Learning Plan: Math and Wellbeing
      5. Principal’s Council: details
      6. Lead in drinking water & water fountain maintenance
  5. Teacher’s Report (Chantal Smith)
      1. School activities
      2. Communication with/from teachers: What do teachers want/need from our Council to support them in the classroom?
  6. Chair’s Report (Nancy Dean)
      1. News and update
      2. Fundraising Overview/Evaluation (table: December)
      3. Supporting learning Environment (Consult Staff)
          1. School Learning Plan on Math and Wellbeing
          2. Learning in the classroom
      4. Council Governance – Committees & Constitution
      5. Improving Community Outreach & Parent Engagement
          1. What else can we be doing to fill our current vacancies
          2. Current vacancies: Event Coordinators/Leads (Spring Fair, Gifts of Giving, Eco Committee, Staff Appreciation
      6. Recruiting volunteers for Council events
  7. Treasurer’s Update (Kathy Wrye)
      1. Financial updateAVSC Income Statement as of November 17, 2019
      2. Voting Items
        1.  New teacher request
        2. Memorial donation
  8. Coordinator/Committee Update
      1.  Movie, Pizza, Subway, Spirit Wear, Yard Revitalization
  9. New business
      1. Canadian Center for Child Protection – Jeff D.
      2. Brene Brown Educator series – Janice C.
  10. Meeting parking lot items
  11. Adjournment – Next Meeting Dec.18, 2019